Setting up your store and uploading goods & services Is easy, follow the steps in the video below.

how to register and set up your store

  1. Click sell with us and select click here to register
  2. Fill your details and submit
  3. Follow the instructions to set up your store and start selling 

how set up shipping and shipping fees

  1.  Go to settings and select shipping
  2.  If you want to enable shipping fee for your store check the enable shipping and if you want your store to run on free delivery leave it unchecked.
  3.  Select the processing time before you ship a product after order.
  4.  Select shipping type
  5.  Next you input the default shipping fee for your store
  6.  Save the setting by clicking the save button 

how to upload products and services

  1.  Go to products section
  2. Click add a product
  3. Select the product type, Select virtual for services
  4. Fill the details  of the product, price  and add image
  5. Select the category of the product or services
  6. Add the shipping details
  7. Select the product attributes, ( new or used, etc.)
  8. Select the Shipping status,  (shipped from abroad  or within Nigeria)
  9. Submit for review

how to post Classified Ads

  1.  Go to products
  2. Click add a product
  3. Select catalog mode
  4. Fill the details  of the product or services(for services always select virtual)  and add image
  5. Select the category of the product or services
  6. Go to catalog mode and disable cart
  7. Submit for review